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The Ultimate Guide to Fixing

The Ultimate Guide to Fixing

The Ultimate Guide to Fixing Leaking Shower Grout

Faulty grout that allows water to seep into gaps can transform an enjoyable shower into a frustrating hassle. Dripping not only risks water damage and toxic mould taking root, but it also mars the visual appeal of your bathing space. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore effective solutions for repairing leaking shower grout and restoring the integrity of your bathroom surfaces.


Identifying the Problem
To fix leaking shower grout, start by finding where the problem is coming from. Look for cracks or gaps in the grout lines. These can let water through. Also, check for discoloured or crumbly grout, as these areas might be weak spots. Identifying where moisture is coming from will guide the right solution for a watertight shower.

Tools and Materials

Before starting, gather your tools: a grout saw or oscillating tool for removing old grout, and a cleaning solution, such as water and vinegar, for thorough cleaning. Choose a good grout that’s made for wet places like showers. That way, your fix will last longer.

Repairing the Grout

Now that you know where the grout needs fixing, let’s start fixing it. Use the grout removal tool to take out the old grout. Be careful not to harm the tiles nearby. Be patient when removing the old grout. Make sure to get rid of it all. Then, use the cleaning solution to clean the area well and make sure there’s no dirt left.

Applying New Grout

Once prepped, mix grout per package instructions. Use a float to thoroughly press grout into tile joints, packing cracks and gaps completely. Apply pressure smoothing the grout to maximize adhesion and consistency for a watertight seal. Take time to completely fill spaces, leaving no voids. Press it down firmly. Make sure you fill up all the spaces and smooth out the grout as you work.


Sealing the Grout

Once cured, apply a quality grout sealer evenly along grout lines using a small brush. Follow manufacturer instructions for drying times to seal grout and prevent future leaks and water damage.

Preventing Future Leaks

To stop more leaks and keep your shower grout strong, you’ve got to take care of it regularly. Look out for any damage, and fix it quickly to stop it from getting worse. Also, think about sealing the grout again now and then to keep it safe from water damage. That way, your shower will stay in good shape for longer.


Fixing leaky shower grout is important to stop water damage and make your shower look good again. Here’s how to do it: find the problem, get your tools and stuff, take out the old grout, clean up, put in new grout, seal it, and keep it clean. For professional assistance in NSW, Newcastle, ACT, Wollongong, Victoria, and Sydney, visit United Waterproofing and connect with us today!