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Possible Ways to Fix

Possible Ways to Fix

Possible Ways to Fix a Leaking Shower

Shower leaks that go untreated can be costly to fix, in addition to being inconvenient. Sometimes, you may attempt a leaky shower repair on your own without assistance from a professional. Still, you must recognise when an issue is beyond your plumbing expertise.

What Causes a Shower Leak?

A leak in your shower can be caused by several reasons, particularly the shower heads. The source of the problem can also be identified based on where the water is dripping from, which will make fixing it much simpler.

Resolving a leaky shower faucet or head is crucial to avoiding additional plumbing issues and water waste. Thus, the first thing to do is figure out why it’s leaking.

The following are some typical causes of leaky faucets or showerheads: 

  • A damaged washer o-ring, rubber, or valve. The faucets in an older shower may start to break down over time.
  • An accumulation of mineral resources. Your shower fixtures may eventually get deposits from water and debris, including limescale.
  • Outdated fixtures or poorly installed equipment. There could be a loose fitting or an improper connection. 

Common Ways for Repairing a Leak

By putting in place a temporary fix before hiring a professional to fix the leak, you can avoid the dire repercussions of a leaky shower. Here are the most common ways for a leaking shower repair.

Possible Ways to Fix a Leaking Shower

1. Use of Epoxy

One excellent temporary fix for a leaky shower base is epoxy. When leaks need to be fixed right away to avoid becoming more crucial issues, this is typically the best course of action.

2. Use of Prefab Bases

If the damage is significant, a temporary fix might not be effective. This is when a prefabricated base comes to mind. We recommend getting professional help.

3. Use of Base Liner

One helpful tool for a leaky shower repair is a baseliner. Cracks and small gaps between the shower base and the surrounding area can be filled in with a baseliner.

4. Getting Professional Help

If DIY is not your thing or if you think the damage is beyond your control, get professional help. It is better to let the experts do their job for the best results.


Although it may save you time and money to replace or fix a leaky shower, we always, always advise contacting a reputable and professional plumber to handle tasks like this. If you are not skilled at doing this kind of DIY, you can harm your plumbing and bathroom, which would be more expensive to restore later.

At United Waterproofing, we offer a team of professional plumbers with the proper equipment and knowledge necessary for a leaking shower repair. We offer services in NSW, Newcastle, ACT, Wollongong, Victoria, and Sydney. Contact us now to get a qualified plumber for your leaky shower needs.