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How to stop leaking balcony

How to stop leaking balcony

How to Stop Leaking Balcony: A Comprehensive Guide


Leaking balconies are inconvenient because they cause damage to your property and may jeopardise its structural stability. If you have a leaking balcony, it is critical that you respond quickly to prevent further damage. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to stop a leaking balcony and maintain its long-term endurance.

Identifying the Source of the Leak

1. Visual Inspection

The first step in repairing a leaky balcony is determining where the leak is coming from. Begin by visually inspecting the balcony surface, walls, and ceilings beneath it. Examine the structure for any evident fractures, gaps, or damaged locations where water could be seeping in.

2. Water Testing

If a visual investigation does not show the source of the leak, a water test might be performed. Begin by sealing any drains or cracks on the balcony’s surface. Then, pour water over different portions of the balcony using a hose or buckets of water to simulate rainfall. Look for evidence of leakage, such as water seeping through cracks or drains.

Common Causes of Balcony Leaks

1. Insufficient Waterproofing

Inadequate waterproofing is one of the most common reasons of balcony leaks. Balconies are continuously exposed to the weather, and if the waterproofing layer is weakened or improperly built, water can leak through.

2. Cracked or Deteriorated Grout

Water can infiltrate through cracks or degradation in the grout between tiles and reach the underlying layers. This can cause substantial damage to the balcony construction over time.

3. Improper Drainage System

Water collection and eventual leaks can occur if the balcony’s drainage system is not correctly constructed or maintained. Drains that are clogged or broken might exacerbate the situation and should be repaired as soon as possible.

Steps to Stop Balcony Leaks

1. Repair Cracks and Gaps

Examine the balcony surface and walls for any cracks or holes. Fill these gaps with an appropriate sealer or waterproofing product to ensure a tight seal. Pay careful attention to the regions where the balcony joins to the framework of the building.

2. Replace Damaged Grout

Replace any broken or degraded pieces of grout between tiles. Remove the damaged grout with a grout saw and replace it according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. To avoid further leaks, make sure the grout is well sealed.

3. Reinforce Waterproofing

If the present waterproofing layer is weakened, it must be reinforced. Thoroughly clean the balcony surface and apply a high-quality waterproofing material. For optimal application and curing, follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

4. Improve Drainage

Make sure the balcony has a good drainage system. Remove any dirt or obstructions from the drains and gutters. Consider adding more drainage outlets or sloping the balcony surface to promote proper water discharge.

5. Regular Maintenance

It is critical to maintain your balcony on a regular basis to avoid future leaks. Inspect the surface, grout, and drains on a regular basis and rectify any faults as soon as possible. Cleaning the balcony and removing debris on a regular basis can also assist to maintain its integrity.


If left alone, a leaky balcony can cause serious damage. You can successfully reduce balcony leaks and preserve the long-term durability of your house by following the procedures indicated in this comprehensive guide.


Remember to begin by locating the source of the leak via visual inspection or water testing. After you’ve identified the issue locations, you can make the necessary repairs and improvements.


Repair any fractures, gaps, or deteriorated grout to create a tight seal and keep water out. To create an additional barrier against moisture, reinforce the waterproofing layer on your balcony surface. Ensure that your balcony has an appropriate drainage system in place, and that the drains and gutters are frequently maintained and cleaned to prevent obstructions.


You can safeguard your balcony from leaks and maintain its structural integrity for years to come by taking some preventative actions and performing regular maintenance.